ACTMG - TGiD & What is Next?

ACTMG - TGiD & What is Next?
Report - The State of Yugenya

...And that's a wrap on; "The Generalissimo is Dead" for September!

A big Thank You to everyone who came on the day and a special thanks to our hosts, the ANU Boardgames Society, and Sydney Megagamers for facilitating and supporting the game.

Fresh new look for ACTMG

With that we close the book on our inaugural game here at ACTMG and start to consider next steps. When considering the future of the club and how we will go about bringing more games to venues near you, we must first reflect and process what we know now and how it will affect our planning moving forward. If you were at the game and would like to share a few thoughts about your experience, head on over to the discord where you'll find a link to the feedback form. Players of our games specifically are members of a pretty exclusive club right now and your feedback is highly valuable to us! If you have an idea for the types of game, theme, mechanics, or even a specific game you've been wanting to play, let us know!

For those who have yet to join us, don't be a stranger! And rest assured there are plans in motion and games in the pipe, so you will be hearing from us before the end of the year about what we'll be doing next.

In the meanwhile, ACTMG is going back into experimentation, design, and production mode. If you think you would be interested in the design, testing, and facilitation side of megagames please take a look at our call for facilitators form where you can get involved behind the scenes.

One other thing:

So Say We All -
Sydney has announced their next game; 'So Say We All,' a megagame loosely based around the concept of the show 'Battlestar Galactica.' Where players take on a role in a fleeing armada, beset by pursuing forces and running low on supplies! Keep an eye on Sydney Megagamer's social channels and website to stay up to date if you will be in the city, on the 23rd of November.

So Say We All - 23/11/2024